
Percentage of #CO2 #Emissions By World Population And Income

Percentage of #CO2 #Emissions By World Population And Income

Nearly Half of CO2 Emissions By Richest Countries. The largest share of Global CO2 Emissions come from the richest 10%...

Energy Development in a Carbon Constrained World #EDC2018

Energy Development in a Carbon Constrained World #EDC2018

SMIN Power Group CEO Dr. Sandrine Mubenga was honored to participate in #Energy for #Development in a #Carbon #Constrained #World  (EDC2018) The #EDC2018 event was a meeting...

Poster Session Award, Bilevel Equalizer, Lithium Ion, Li-Ion, Battery, Energy Storage

SMIN Power Group CEO Wins Award at IEEE NAECON Conference For Li-Ion Battery Management Technology

SMIN Power Group LLC is pleased to announce that CEO Dr. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga has been recognized with a 1st...

Web-Science-TV, Green Energy Interview

Web Science Interview | Entretien de Web Science

Thank You Web Science For The Wonderful Interview! Merci Web Science pour l’entrevue merveilleuse!

Bi-Level Equalizer Technology Invented For Lithium Ion Battery Management

SMIN Power Group CEO, Dr. Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga working at the University of Toledo to improve Lithium Ion Battery Equalization technology...

BiLevel Battery Equalization Technology, In The News!

BiLevel Battery Equalization Technology Could Change The World! Technology Invented At University of Toledo by SMIN Power Group CEO Sandrine...

How A Bilevel Equalizer for Large Li-ion Batteries Lowers Cost of Energy Storage for E/HV and Grid Applications

How A Bilevel Equalizer for Large Li-ion Batteries Lowers Cost of Energy Storage for E/HV and Grid Applications

Bi-Level Equalizers Reduce Cost of Energy Storage Using Large Li-ion Batteries SMIN Power Group CEO Ngalula Sandrine Mubenga, Professor of...

SMIN CEO In The News for Bi Level Equalizer Battery Technology

Bi Level Storage Battery Equalizer Invention BY SMIN Power Group CEO & University of Toledo Source:  WTOL NEWS in Toledo...

New battery technology developed at The University of Toledo could mean a longer charge for a lower price.

Dr. Mubenga created this technology while working at the University of Toledo.  After surviving a childhood near-death experience, caused by lack...

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